Wednesday, April 20, 2005

The World Is Flat

I heard an interesting interview of Tom Friedman by Terri Gross on NPR. Freidman was promoting his new book, "The World Is Flat", and he had some interesting insights. The one thing that really stuck in my mind was this. The Twin Towers were destroyed on 9/11 and in an ironic juxtaposition, the Berlin Wall came down on 11/9. Made me think about the unpredicatability of the world as we know it. One form of destruction has absolutely positive effects on millions of people, and the other has absolutely negative effects on a similar number.

Having lived in Europe for a number of years, I'm concerned about globalisation by 'big business' and the impact it is having on our society. This book explores the shrinking of the world, and talks about how the playing field has been leveled. I haven't read it yet, although it is on my 'must read' after I finish what I am reading now.

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